Kindergartens and schools

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- Fruś and Adalo, or the Fun of Merry Company – Did they play hide and seek at the Castle? Where was the sandbox? Is the Ballroom only for adults? Join us for a story about the children who once lived in the Łańcut Castle, their games, plays, and mischief.
- Oranges for the Princess – The castle gardeners receive a difficult task. They must gather oranges for the princess. During the activities, we will talk about Princess Izabella and her collection of orange trees. We will learn where oranges grew in Łańcut and help the gardeners gather them.
- The Excellent Cook – The castle chef was a very important person. What did he look like? What dishes did he prepare and what spices did he use? We will talk about this during the activities.
- Dance at the Ball Like Princess Izabella – Did everyone have to dance at Princess Izabella’s ball? During the activities, we will talk about the dances from the time of the Princess and learn one of them.

Elementary School I-III
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- Trouble in the Clouds – Why did the balloon get stuck in the former Orangery? Can a boat fly? Who was an aeronaut? You will find out all of this during the conversation about the patron of the Center for Traditional Education.
- Dry Gardens – What are dry gardens, we’ll learn about the oldest ones and the traditions of their creation. During the workshops, everyone will be able to create their own magical dry garden.
- At the Princess’s Ball – Did everyone have to dance at Princess Izabella’s ball? In this lesson, we will learn about the fashionable dances from the time of the Princess and we will learn one of them ourselves.
- The Excellent Cook – We will tell you about the history of the castle kitchens, about what and how they cooked, how they seasoned, and where they stored spices. Could anyone become a chef at the Castle? We will talk about the old kitchens and dishes, and together we will consider how kitchens and dishes have changed over time.

Elementary School IV-VI
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- Family Tree – Lineage, family, ancestor, surname, name, coat of arms are the keys to understanding genealogy. Together, we will learn how to build family trees, calculate their age, and interpret the most important events recorded on them using genealogical symbols.
- Like a Frog or Like a Bird? Perspective in Practice – Discover with us different perspectives. During a short walk, you will learn the basic rules to later apply them in practice.
- Assarmot – The Mysterious Castle Game – Is it easy to learn history? We have a solution for that – a role-playing game. Thanks to it, we will learn the most important facts from the history of the Castle and its youngest inhabitants. We will dedicate our story not only to old tabletop games but also to computer ones.
- Travel Sketchbook – Together with Jan Potocki, we will embark on distant journeys. We will talk about why and where people used to travel in the past, and where they travel today. Can memories of travel be preserved without a camera?
- What Was Eaten in the Ancient Ages? – We are waiting for you with a story about the ancient kitchen. You will learn about the dishes that were eaten in the palace and what they were made of, about the vegetables and fruits grown by the castle gardeners. We will identify spices and learn how to use them in the kitchen.
- Greek Orders at Łańcut Castle – Based on the facades and decorations of the Castle and the former Orangery, we will learn and familiarize ourselves with the Greek orders.
- Łańcut – A Short History of the Town – We will tell you how our town was founded and who its owners were. You will learn how many castles there were in Łańcut and you will get to know the history of Queen Elizabeth.

Elementary School VII-VIII
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- The Last Inn – Romantic idealization of Polishness based on Adam Mickiewicz’s ‘Pan Tadeusz.’ We will learn about old patterns and virtues, attachment to Polish tradition.

Post-secondary schools
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- Magnate Table Culture, Rules of Court Etiquette – Detailed information about dishes, table manners, and the way meals are served. Foreign influences in Polish culinary art in the 18th century. Classes for schools with thematic profiles.
- The Great Journey of a Young Person – Grand Tour and Traveling Yesterday and Today. We will reflect on the purpose of travel, its meaning, the need for traveling, and the values it provides us. Activities combined with an Oxford-style debate.
- Rich Cuisine – How to look at a work of art to understand it. Activities dedicated to one painting.
- The Last Inn – Romantic idealization of Polishness based on Adam Mickiewicz’s ‘Pan Tadeusz.’ We will learn about old patterns and virtues, attachment to Polish tradition.
- The Table and Feast in the Stanisławian Epoch – Cultural Transformations – How Enlightenment ideas and mental upheaval influenced cultural transformations in the second half of the 18th century. ‘Parisian customs’ or traditional Old Polish feasting, perhaps a feast or banquet. During the meeting, we will learn about the ceremonial of the era.
- Once Upon a Ball – About balls, ballroom fashion, and court etiquette. The first dance, polonaise, mazurka, or waltz. Is a ball an event introducing into adulthood or shaping marriages?

Special schools and educational centers
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- Hey, Oranges! – Long ago, in front of the Łańcut Castle, oranges grew in large pots. The Orangery was specially built for them. Together, we will gather oranges hidden inside the Orangery and solve orange-themed tasks.
- The Perfect Cook – Was the profession of a castle chef easy? Castle kitchens hide many secrets. We will learn some of them, and in the process, we will smell, touch, and measure – just like a real perfect cook.
- Oh, Those Balls… Dance Like Princess Izabella – Do you want to dance at the ball of Princess Izabella? We will teach you the steps and dance together on the extraordinary floor.
- Frush and Adalo, or the Fun of Merry Company – Did they play hide and seek at the Castle? Where was the sandbox? Is the Ballroom only for adults? Join us for a story about the children who once lived in the Łańcut Castle, their games, plays, and mischief.