Pleasures of this World: The History of Cuisine
24 October, 2023
On October 27th, we invite high school students and college students to another meeting from the “Pleasures of this World” series. This time, you will learn about the history of cuisine in Łańcut Castle, narrated by curator Edyta Kucaba-Łyszczek.
On October 27th, 2023, at 9:00 AM in the former Orangery, we will tell you about the location of the kitchens in the Castle, how they were arranged, and equipped. Culinary aspects will also be covered.
Prior registration is required.
The lecture is part of the “Pleasures of this World” event series and is a part of the cultural and educational project of the Łańcut Castle Museum, “Renovation, Conservation, and Construction Works of the Orangery and Riding School as part of the ‘Preservation and Development of the Cultural Heritage of the Former Łańcut Estate’ project through renovation and conservation works and the creation of new educational spaces, OR-KA II, III, IV, VII.”